Dr. Pete Norris pastor of Harvest Fellowship Church is teaching a Healing School. It is a 45 minutes class that is every Tuesday. This class starts at 12:00 P.M. Dr. Norris. teaches what the word of God says about healing. The Ministry of Jesus was Teaching and Miracles. He was a servant yet was called Master and Great Rabbi.
Does The Ministry of Jesus excite you? Healing, miracles and teaching was not just for the short time Jesus walked this earth in a fleshly body.
Jesus healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, raised the dead and gave them life and cared for the poor.
Jesus performed many miracles. He not only healed the sick, He walked on water, calmed the sea and turned the water into wine.
Dr. Norris recommends reading Chosen for Greatness by Kelly Varner. You can purchase this book from The Wisdom Barn. This is located in the foyer of Harvest Fellowship Church.
Dr. Norris has provided healing scriptures for you to speak over yourself daily.
Click on the following link for the dates and time of the class.